Keep your chin up

©2021 Wildlightography, Don Kellett

I’ll keep this one short. But I couldn’t resist this photo. The title came to me as soon as I saw it. So there you have it.

The way I see things, you’re either a glass half full, or glass half empty thinker. They are both true for the glass. 

I know I shouldn’t put thoughts into anyone’s head, especially a lion cub. But I’m willing to bet this cub is thinking that life is pretty good right now.  He or she would probably say that the glass is half full.

The choice is yours to make every day. Are you having a glass half full or glass half empty day?

When you’re feeling like it’s half empty, but wishing it was half full, look for your own chin rest. Maybe it’s a shoulder. Maybe it’s a pile of pillows and a good book.  If your chin stays there long enough, maybe things will start to look up.