Be bold

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In nature, sometimes it’s important to get noticed.

Take flowers to start. Have you ever seen a bright red flower that a hummingbird didn’t like? Even my red bandana has attracted a few. Follow a bee and you’ll see they also go for the bright, bold flowers – yellow, blue, and purple to name a few.

I don’t claim to know the intricacies of how those relationships began. One thing I know for sure: Those flowers need that hummingbird or bee to take notice to make sure the species continues.

And don’t get me started on birds. Oh wouldn’t it be nice if finding the right partner only depended on being colorful? Ask any bird and they’ll tell you how that works.

Maybe getting noticed also plays a role in our survival. Now more than ever, it’s important to keep our spark alive. As humans we have the choice (and lots more options) to make a statement — even from home.

Maybe it’s speaking from your heart or trying something new. Maybe it’s surprising someone or doing something kind from afar.  Maybe it’s something that only you will notice, but it makes you come alive.

Perhaps nature is trying to remind us that in some situations it’s a good thing to brighten your spark and get noticed. Maybe today is the perfect day to take a chance. Be bold. Make a statement. Make a difference – even if it’s only for yourself and from home. She is called Mother Nature after all.  Why not listen?