I’m a sucker for romance movies. I just watched one the other day. It was about spending time doing what you love. I’m now inspired to write about this topic. Because the theme of this site is reminders from nature, I’ll start with animals.
I don’t claim to know what animals are thinking, but I firmly believe that animals do only what they want or enjoy. Cats and puppies are the perfect examples. I’ve never had a dog that didn’t initially believe that my bed belonged to them. I’m also convinced that my horse and donkeys lived to play.
The wild critters I chose for this blog all seem to be smiling. Perhaps it’s a universal language. (Who knows what she was thinking, but Oakley, one of my yellow labs, used to squint her eyes nearly shut when she “smiled.”)
Even if I’m all wrong about the animal kingdom, why wouldn’t you spend time doing the things you love?
I get that not all of us are lucky enough to get paid doing what we love. (I’m grateful every day that I’m that lucky.) But if you spend enough time doing what you’re passionate about, maybe it will happen. And it sure seems that when people are doing what they love, they’re more fun to be around and happy.
If you believe that thoughts direct energy, then happy thoughts can lead to other situations, things, and people that make you happy.
Why not give it a shot? I hope the images in this blog inspire you or at least cause you to spend a few minutes smiling.