
Ever have one of those days when nothing seems to be going right? When I have one, and I let it get me in a bad mood, Lord help anyone who comes near me in a good one.

Yet, the photos that I selected for this blog post always make me smile.

What is it about a happy puppy that causes many of us to smile back? And why do most 4-legged critters seem to be born to play?

I don’t know the answers to these questions. I do know that smiling and laughter have to be good for our soul.

So why not make sure you set aside time to do things that make you happy?

When I think back to what made me happy as a little person, it usually involved being outdoors, movement, and imagination – all the things that make me smile today.

As an adult, my favorite thing about finding time to play is that I lose track of time. In fact, this happens while doing anything I love to do. The irony is that the feeling that there isn’t enough time is what keeps many of us from playing.

A new year is just around the corner. (Or maybe it’s already arrived by the time you read this.) If you’re still looking for at least one more resolution, why not make it to find (or make) time to play. Just think of what you’ll get in return.

How can so many little 4-legged critters possibly steer us wrong?