Take naps

Bears do it. Even lions do it.  Small children seem to fight it.  But we all need it. Rest.

I used to have two speeds: 0 and 100 miles an hour.  Taking naps was unheard of, and sometimes even sleeping was a chore.

Older and wiser, I appreciate the importance of rest. You’d think my pets would have taught me that. They used to spend most of the day sleeping — especially after a good romp. (More on the importance of playing for another blog.)

COVID has helped me to better prioritize my day. I’ve had more time to slow down and decide maybe I don’t need to run all those errands. When I lived in the mountains, I was much better at making every trip count. I’m relearning that skill now.

Despite slowing down, with a more than full-time job and lots of additional responsibilities, I still often feel time-deprived. (I can’t even imagine being a parent.) I remain a lingering member of the “not enough hours in the day” or “so much to do in so little time” clubs.

I also get that most of us have less leeway than our animal friends on the timing of rest.

The main rule of thumb I follow is to listen to my body, try to keep naps short, and avoid them too late in the day. When I start to feel guilty, I might check out these photos now and again to remind me that even the mighty lions, tigers, and bears need naps.